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Grant Success Stories


To be a strong community leader, and attract talented employee’s, we believe businesses need to reinvest in the community and provide the services and amenities good employee’s demand. We’ve learned by partnering with the Worthington Regional Healthcare Foundation we can leverage our investments and make meaningful commitments to community projects like the YMCA Strong Kids Campaign, Center for Active Living Programing, Worthington Area Youth Baseball Association, 4-H Clubs, to name just a few.  All these opportunities make Worthington a better place to live and work for all families.

Greg R. Raymo

CEO, First State Bank Southwest


The funding that the Manna Food Pantry has received through the Worthington Regional Healthcare Foundation over the past several years has been a great asset to us. These dollars have helped us purchase the much-needed food items to help keep our families in Nobles County supplied with healthy food. We always try to keep fresh fruits & vegetables available to keep with our motto of: "Fresh is Best!" The fresh meat that we are able to purchase helps with that motto also. Words can't express the gratitude we have for the funding we have received through the Worthington Regional Healthcare Foundation to keep the families we serve from going hungry on a daily basis. "Thank You, WRHCF!"


Linda Sanchez

Coordinator, Manna Food Pantry


Early Risers Kiwanis has benefited greatly from the Worthington Regional Healthcare Foundation for their generous support of a matching grant of $125,000.00 toward raising funds for our All-Inclusive Playground at Chautauqua Park. Due to their generosity, we are at 90% or our goal. Thank you WRHCF.


Clair Williams, Treasurer

Early Risers Kiwanis of Worthington



As the former Executive Director/CEO of the Worthington Area YMCA I was able to see first-hand the impact that the Worthington Regional Health Care Foundation had with our organization.


Each year the Foundation entrusted us with a grant they did several things.  First, with their matching grant program they were able to help us leverage and broaden our donor base to support even more families which in turn helps the Y build a stronger community with much of its programming.


We were able to reduce fees for many years for ALL youth participants in most of the Y programs, broadening the access to so many more.  This did not take place of the already important financial assistance program but made it even stronger!


One other program that the Foundation supported was the JC Safety Around Water Program.   Again, with the Foundations matching grant, we were able to engage even more participation from community businesses and individuals and the RadioWorks Deep Freeze Dip!   This program allows the Y to offer a 2-week swimming program to ALL second graders in Nobles County each year reaching over 325 youth each year and teaching them the much-needed swimming skills and how to stay safe around water.  All of this is covered by the Foundation and community support and allows the Y to provide the program FREE at NO expense to the participants or the area schools.  So far over 3,000 served since the inception of the program.


The Worthington Area Health Care Foundation is integral with its mission in supporting the Worthington AREA.


Andy Johnson

Former Executive Director, Worthington Area YMCA


As Kiwanis members, we strive to build better communities and community projects, especially for children.  We have seen the joy that Splash Parks have created in other communities and we decided to go full steam into an attempt to make it happen in Worthington.  Raising those kinds of funds are hard to do, but as Kiwanians, we knew we could count on our citizens.  We were correct, when we announced that The Worthington Regional Health Care Foundation was there to match the people's support on the Radio Works Deep Freeze Dip, the gates opened.  We were able to put a Splash Pad in Centennial Park in Worthington that has been a pure treasure for kids and parents.  The match was just the trigger to get people to invest wholeheartedly in this project.  Thank you WRHCF! 


Chad Cummings

Project Co-Chair Worthington Noon Kiwanis Splash Pad 


The residents of Ecumen Meadows Memory Care will have more meaningful moments as a result of our Music and Memories program. Through the substantial donation from the WRHCF grant, we had the almost $3500 needed to begin this proven quality program. All of us have heard the adage, “Music has charms to soothe the savage beast.” Whether calming & tranquil or bringing enjoyment, music can reach a soul when words are sometime unable to. The symptoms of dementia are varied and difficult. Reaching individuals where they find themselves is difficult. Our residents won’t be able to express their gratitude but their families and our staff will be able to tell you the difference this can make to the quality of their lives. Thank you for your generosity and kindness! Ecumen Meadows appreciate how impactful the gift is from WRHCF, Inc.

- Ecumen Worthington Meadows - 2017


Nobles County Developmental Achievement Center is very appreciative for the opportunity to partner with Worthington Regional Health Care Foundation, Inc. Nobles County Developmental Achievement Center provides vocational training to adults with significant physical and mental challenges. This grant provided paper shredders for these individuals to utilize during the rehabilitation process. This allows for the introduction of structure, meaning and a sense of purpose in their lives. Many of these program participants have benefited and are healthier as a result of this project. Our mission is to allow these individuals to achieve the highest quality of life possible, this partnership provides the means to achieve that goal.

- Nobles County Developmental Achievement Center – 2017


As the name states, the Worthington Regional "Health Care" Foundation provides grant opportunities to improve the overall health and wellness of people in the community. People most likely associate "healthcare" with images such as physical fitness, nutrition or medical services, but the thought of music is not a first thought. The Minnesota Cornerstone Drug Court alumni used funds from our grant award to host the first of a two-part music therapy session. At this first session, approximately twenty of the drug court alumni and current participants gathered with licensed marriage and family therapist and musician, Greg Wasberg for a night of song, laughter and tears. We enjoyed Greg sharing songs with us that he wrote, as well as singing along to familiar tunes. Greg educated the group about how music triggers memories and how it can provoke feelings such as anger, sadness or joy. He enlightened the participants on how to use embrace music for its therapeutic qualities and encouraged them to consider learning to play an instrument. The group members were challenged to write lyrics that Greg put to music. We look forward to our next session, which will include hands-on opportunities for our participants to write lyrics and play instruments. The attached photo was taken at the end of our last session, when one of our participants showed an interest in learning to play the guitar. We look forward listening to him play for the group next time! Thank you again to you and the WRHCF!

-TMN Cornerstone Drug Court - 2017


The Nobles County Sheriff’s Office is proud to have partnered with the Worthington Regional Health Care Foundation on a matching grant to be able to implement and offer Project Lifesaver to the people of Nobles County. The matching grant, along with funds raised through RadioWorks has allowed us to help family members who suffer from cognitive brain disorders.

The primary mission of Project Lifesaver is to provide a timely response to save lived and reduce potential injury for adults and children who wander due to Autism, Alzheimer’s, Dementia, & Downs Syndrome. Because of the funding the Nobles County Sheriff’s Office has been able to receive in-depth training on the use of specialized electronic search and rescue equipment, technology and procedures, as well as teaching rescuers how to communicate with people afflicted with cognitive conditions.

The Nobles County Sheriff’s Office currently has enrolled family members with Autism, Alzheimer’s & Downs Syndrome and we are the only entity in southwest Minnesota to offer this type of program. We are proud to assist the families of Nobles County and to be a leader in this area. We sincerely thank the Worthington Regional Health Care Foundation for the opportunity to help families and make Nobles County a safer place to live.

-The Nobles County Sheriff's Office


The Worthington Area YMCA in proud and has been very fortunate to be a partner with the Worthington Regional Health Care Foundation for the past several years.  Most recently the Y was awarded matching grant to help support the “Double Down on Kids Program.”  The Matching Funds program was an important part to leverage more dollars for our existing needs and enable our organization to sustain this VERY important program that will assist us in removing barriers for kids in all Y programs in the coming year including lowered fees across the board, transportation, translation and so much more.  Removing these barriers and opening doors to more youth to not the community will allow so many more lives to be impacted in our community, all of which would not have been possible without the support and partnership with the Worthington Regional Healthcare Foundation.

-Worthington Area YMCA


The Minnesota West Community and Technical College nursing programs are proud to have partnered with the Worthington Regional Health Care Foundation to purchase a simulation training manikin for nursing students.    Students are able to have detailed practice scenarios that prepare them for basic and critical patients in our community.  The Worthington Regional Health Care Foundation, Minnesota West Community & Technical College,  and Avera Health-Worthington all dedicated funds to make advanced quality nursing training an emphasis for the community we serve. 

-Minnesota West Community and Technical College


Our 4-H club partnered with the WRHCF to raise funds to replace the dilapidated park equipment that was in the Brewster city park.  The Foundation provided $5,000 in matching funds for our 2014 5K walk/run.  In 2015, our 4-H club worked with other people and organizations within the Brewster community to obtain another $15,000 in matching funds for the 5K walk/run.  This experience has not only allowed the youth in our club see the value and pride in doing a service for their community, they have witnessed how much can be accomplished when we all work together.  The $20,000 in support from the Foundation allowed the park equipment to be purchased and installed a year earlier than initially anticipated.  It was a pleasure to work with the WRHCF board members and see how excited they were to help us reach our goal of new, safe park equipment. 


Thank you on behalf of the City of Brewster, the Round Lake Brewster School and the Indian Lake Progressives 4-H Club!!

-Indian Lake Progressives 4-H Club


“Through the $4,500 in funding support by the WRHCF, our residents have been able to expand their personal fitness and well-being.  Light free weights, exercise bands, and the significant addition of the T4r NuStep have greatly improved the opportunities our residents have available to them to exercise at their convenience.  Daily, our seniors exercise independently and residents receiving outside therapy are frequent consumers as well.” 

-Ecumen Meadows


“Our community and YOUR Worthington Area YMCA is very fortunate to have the Worthington Regional Healthcare Foundation supporting our Community.

This past year the WRHCF agreed to support the Y’s Strong Kids Campaign Fundraising efforts with matching funds. For every dollar raised through the Y’s campaign WRHCF will match dollar for dollar up to $70,000. The matched dollars will go directly to fund the J.C. Learn to Swim Program for many more years to come along with funding other Y youth programming initiatives that would not be offered if it were not for this direct funding.

WRHCF has made strong commitment to better the community and the residents we all serve. There locally managed Board of Directors and Executive Director see to it that the funding is seamless and transparent and will reach those in need.

The Worthington Area YMCA is proud to be selected to partner with the WRHCF for these efforts, many lives will be impacted that potentially could not be reached otherwise.

Thank you Worthington Regional Healthcare Foundation!!”

-Worthington YMCA


On September 23, 2014, Worthington Regional Health Care Foundation full-filled the 3 year grant totaling $100,000 to the Center for Active Learning.

“With the support and cooperation between the Worthington Regional Health Care Foundation, City of Worthington, and the Senior Community at large, the Center for Active Living was able to develop programming and events specific to serving the mental; social; and physical health and wellbeing and provide educational opportunities for the Senior Community.”

-Director, Center for Active Living


“The Worthington Area Youth Baseball Association (WAYBA) is very grateful for the matching-funds grant awarded to our association this year.  The grant has been used to purchase much needed equipment which enhanced safety and training opportunities to our players.  The grant also helped forge collaborative partnerships with Minnesota West Community & Technical College, ISD 518, and Prairie Rehab & Fitness.  Thank you WRHCF!  Our Association couldn’t have done this without your financial support!”

-WAYBA Board of Directors


"The Avera Medical Group of Worthington had the honor of collaborating with the Foundation, Worthington Distrcict 518, and Sandford Medical Center on a flu shot program for the school.  Our staff and health care providers feel that the school flu shot program is being effective in reducing the number of flu-related sickness we are seeing during the flu season.  The attendance records at schools speak for themselves in allowing the schools to stay in session without large numbers of absences.  We appreciate our ability to partner with the Foundation in the flu shot program" 

-Avera Medical Group Worthington  


Partnering with the Worthington Regional Health Care Foundation on a matching grant has allowed Project Morning Star to provide its residents with a safe living environment focused on helping residents “start fresh” by providing a sober living environment that focuses on supporting long-term recovery by providing education and training related to the seven dimension of wellness. WRCHF funding has provided technology to aid in job seeking, programming to enhance and promote healthy lifestyles, and programming opportunities for the residents that could not have been accomplished without WRCHF funds. Studies show that participants in a residential recovery program have a 50% greater chance of successful long-term recovery, because they are in an environment that promotes safe, sober living. Residential recovery programs such as Project Morning Star save taxpayer dollars by eliminating burdens on courtrooms, prisons, treatment centers, probation officers, etc. the positive impact of these funds has served residents from a 180 mile radius.

-Project Morning Star

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